Monday, November 15, 2010

Mid MOnth MOnday MOday

So here we are, half way with the MoMoSL charity event and what an overwhelming time it has been!
MoMoSL 2010 has been featured in the showcased SL events, and we have some amazing official videos that I am sure you have seen.
The many awesome hunt prizes have been shown off in blogs all over the metaverse.
The group has 81 members and there is already over 10000 in donations in the MoMoSL Charity coffers.
On Saturday night we had our first glittering party at Nevermore Island and the Mo's Sista picture contest  launched to some excitement. Pictures are starting to come in. Of course the MoMoSL Hunt is still on until the end of the month so it is not too late to join.
Another two fun parties to look forward to and two great weeks to go, so keep on spreading the Mo!!

MoMoSL 2010 - Official first party - 11/13/2010